You see, I actually LIKE not having to get five kids ready to leave the house. I'm sure my body does too. If someone were to monitor the level of cortisol in my system the 10 minutes before we leave the house in the morning, I'm sure it would be off the charts. Snow days mean no ugly transitions from the bed to anywhere. Forget about getting dressed, f-that. Stay in your pjs. Why? Because I don't care. Underwear? Well that is optional isn't it? I don't have make sure everyone has socks, is dressed, fed, brushed and has their shoes and coats on ready to roll. No lunches, backpacks or that f-ing homework that they remembered they hadn't done at 9:30 pm.
And just when you thought it couldn't be any better than that, there is one thing that makes its super-fantastic: I can sleep in. Yes, you read it correctly. #2 is in charge of getting the twins breakfast. All I have to do is make sure there is a fresh box of granola opened and ready to pour. No fuss, no muss. After all those years of being a slave to the kid's wake up time, I am finally free.
Although I can still hear their super-loud voices throughout the house, it's easy to ignore when you are engulfed by flannel and down. Must get earplugs.
So what do we do all day? I let them play. Believe it or not, the fighting is really minimal and there are so many possible play companions that it works.
I do make them read a bit and I work with #1 with his reading, math facts and saxophone practice, but it is no more than I require on a school day. Well, at least that's what I tell them.
And I get to do all the housework and sometimes more that I would usually do. I know. You jealous? I have been teaching #1 to do laundry and today he did several loads. I even started teaching him how to fold. I got the twins to help clean the bathroom and kitchen. #2 & #3 actually picked up some of the Legos that I asked them to clean up. Just show them the Lego-eating-vacuum. It works every time.
So friends, I'm sorry your kids drive you nuts and you are hating the snow and the snow days that come with it. But I really don't mind. That is, as long it is just one snow day at a time.
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