So when they called, I assumed wipe duty.
And now they are five and will be starting camp soon and I realized that they will have to be transitioned out of this dependence.
So this morning, Twin "S" was on the potty after her announcement, "I HAVE TO GO POOPIES". When she was finished, she called out her usual, "I'm done." I handed her the paper and told her, " You know, you're five now and you will be going to music camp soon. I won't be there to wipe your bottom for you and you need to learn how to do this yourself."
She scrunched her face up and said, "then I won't go potty at camp." Yea, good luck with that one. Followed up with, "why can't you come with me?" Well became most kids don't travel with their own official butt wipers.
I then listed all the kids we know that wipe their own butts. She seemed surprised that her brothers have the skill and she thought about it for a minute, assessed the challenge, and then said, "you do it."
I held my ground and then did what anyone else would do, I made up a song and Disney-fied it.
"Give it a wipe and drop it down,
then they'll be applause around,
Just give it a try, just give it a try."
"Give it a try and and wipe it up,
and I'll give you two thumbs up,
Just give it a try, just give it a try."
Her face scrunched up and she screamed, "NOOOOO, YOU DO IT!!!!!!"
"Give it a try, it'll be ok
you'll wipe your own butt today
just give it a try, just give it a try"
So I kept singing and then added some ultra-fine dance moves, but she was not buying it.
Convinced my song was just fine and the critic was hostile, I walked away for a few minutes.
I returned a few minute later, looked at her tear-streaked face and the drop of liquid boogers resting on the crease of her lip, and felt the pang. I needed to ease her out of this distress.
I asked her, "are you afraid of getting poop on your hands?" She nodded. "Well, the paper will touch the poop and you won't get any on your hands. That's why we always wash our hands after we go potty."
I convinced her to try together and although she didn't exactly hit the target, she gave it a try and I finished up.
The Disney finale:
"You gave it a try, you wiped your butt
and now I'll give you two thumbs up.
You gave it a try, you gave it a try"
I asked Twin "R" if she was ready to wipe on her own when she went potty. She replied, "I will do it myself and you won't sing a word."
So much for my new career as a singer/songwriter.
The critics have spoken.
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