As far as toys go, they have always liked different things. In the rare case that they wanted the same
When we went to Disney World, Twin R was Tinkerbell and carried a Tinkerbell doll. Twin S was
It seems in the last few months, their interests have changed much faster and have finally gotten in sync. Lately, Twin S has been wanting to wear pink too and they both love My Little Pony, Equestria Girls, and are absolutely crazy about the Disney movie Frozen. They want the same toys and want to watch the same TV shows which makes it easier for everyone. Don't really like breaking up those knock-down, screaming brawls.
Last month, I asked the girls what they wanted for their birthday. They asked for two different Disney princess dolls and some My Little Pony ponies, so I went shopping.
After they saw the movie Frozen, their previous requests were voided and they requested Frozen toys. Freaking really?!? So no Equestria Girl dolls? Twin R likes to be the bossy one, and told Twin S, "Gurl, (yes, they call each other Gurl) you get the Anna doll and I'll get the Elsa doll. Then we can share." Usually Twin S lets her run the show, but not this time. She responded, "No. I want Elsa." Twin R got upset that the order had been disrupted and was mad that both of the Frozen sisters were not going to be represented. In her mind, Anna and Elsa were sisters and of course sisters needed to play with sisters.
I had to step in and tell them both that it was perfectly fine to like the same things and it they both had Elsa, then the dolls could be twins just like them.
I am glad the toy drama is lessening, but now I got to go back to Target.
I have some toys to exchange.
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