Friday, March 22, 2013

Reader Participation day

Hey everyone, it is survey time in the house of crazy. I'm asking you, the readers to comment and tell me what your favorite blog is to date. I'd like some feedback if you're happy with the layout, the font and the content. Also, if you have topics that you'd like me to talk about, I'd love to hear it. 

I'm going to spend the day 
cleaning. And by cleaning, 
I mean drinking booze and 
spraying all my shit down 
with Febreze.  
I am taking a break for a week and will shift the posts to Tuesday/Thursday. If you need a fix, I invite you to go back to the archives and take a look at the potty training post, or the toy post for a giggle.  Make sure you check back on April 2nd for my World Autism day post.

A Letter to the parent of the child that beat mine up

  Dear Parent of the child that beat mine,  I want to tell you how your child's actions have affected my family. For some reason, whatev...